Rules Regarding Admission
- Candidates seeking admission must forward to the
headmistress an application form duly filled in and signed
by the parent or guardian with the Transfer Certificate
and Progress Report From the school last attended.They
should also pay the prescribe fees at the stipulated time.
Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribe students shall
produce the caste certificate
- The name of the student,Father's name and his/her date of birth given at the time of admission should
invariably tally with those given in the Transfer Certificate. The name and date of birth once entered in
the school cannot be altered without the written permission of the Director of public Instruction.
- Amission shall as rule be made within one month from the commencement of the school year and only such pupils who have migrated on account of the transfer of parents will be admitted during the course of the scholastic year. Admission and other Fees are to paid at the time of admission.
- A pupil who applies for a Transfer Certificate shall pay the fees of the term in full, and also pay up arrears if any before obtaining the Transfer Cerificate.